Shen Tao Wellness Consulting
Wilton, NH

Access Consciousness - The Bars

What is Access Bars?

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The fundamental process behind Access Consciousness™, are the 32 Bars of energy that run through and around your head. They store the electromagnetic components of all the thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, beliefs and conclusions you have made about anything and everything. By solidifying energy in those areas you are creating limitations in your life. This process keeps you stuck in a cycle of having to have the right answer. A position which gives your power away. What if you just asked the questions and let the universe answer? Would you like to reclaim your ability to perceive, be, know and receive the things you want in life with Ease, Joy & Glory?

When you have your Bars run, you dissipate all of those thoughts, ideas, attitudes, decisions, beliefs and conclusions which limit you, resulting in dramatically opening your creative and generative capacities and inspiring your phenomenal life.



Access Bars Facilitator


An Access Bars Facilitator is someone who facilitates others in having greater awareness of the tools and processes of Access Consciousness; the building blocks for total awareness.
There is nothing that Access Consciousness can not address. Whatever you are looking for, most likely we have something that can benefit your situation, your body, and your life if you are willing to try it out.


"The Bars" is the first building block from Access Consciousness you can use in achieving whatever change and improvement in your life you are looking for.


Ideally, a facilitator empowers others to know what is true for them, what works for them in their own life, and introduces what it is to be functioning as an infinite being, with infinite choice, infinite possibility, infinite question, and infinite contribution. Access Consciousness functions from the perspective that consciousness is the ultimate source for change.


You have all the answers to why your life is how it currently is, a facilitator is someone who assists you in having clarity about what you have been creating and choosing as your life. If you would like to change any of it into something different or something that works better for you, a facilitator can help.


Access Bars Facilitators are certified to teach the Access: The Bars class, provide private Bars sessions, and host Bars Gifting & Receiving.



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